Procurement Manager - Progressive GE

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  • Procurement Manager - Progressive GE

    Procurement Manager - Progressive GE

    As the procurement manager you will need to be able to effectively execute the following -

    Use recognised Procurement methodologies, policies, systems and processes, to deliver a no surprises outcome that incrementally improves, industry best practice total cost of ownership outcomes for the business.
    Manage the category to make sure that outcomes are aligned to business strategies.
    Able to make executive decisions and have a good network and understanding of the industry, to make sure everything is seamless.
    Deliver change ready implementation outcomes of new suppliers, new products and new services - Supplier Information Pack delivered inclusive of contract highlights, negotiated benefits, KPIs, supplier performance management engagement model, issues management model, supplier contacts, issue management priority model.

    Job Details

    Date Posted: 2017-12-07 Job Location: Australia Job Role: Management Company Industry: Other
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Mid Career

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