Compliance and Reporting Officer - Gulf Connexions

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  • Compliance and Reporting Officer - Gulf Connexions

    Compliance and Reporting Officer - Gulf Connexions

    Responsibilities include :

    Develop and oversee control systems to prevent or deal with violations of legal guidelines and internal policies
    Evaluate the efficiency of controls and improve them continuously
    Revise procedures, reports etc. periodically to identify hidden risks or non-conformity issues
    Draft, modify and implement company policies
    Collaborate with corporate counsels and HR departments to monitor enforcement of standards and regulations
    Assess the business’s future ventures to identify possible compliance risks
    Review the work of colleagues when necessary to identify compliance issues and provide advice or training
    Keep abreast of regulatory developments within or outside of the company as well as evolving best practices in compliance control
    Prepare reports for senior management and external regulatory bodies as appropriate

    Job Details

    Date Posted: 2017-12-05 Job Location: Al Kuwait, Kuwait Job Role: Banking Company Industry: Employment Placement Agencies/Recruiting
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Mid Career

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