Assistant Merchandise Planner - Babyshop

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  • Assistant Merchandise Planner - Babyshop

    Assistant Merchandise Planner - Babyshop

    • Maximise Sales and profitability for the department/category
    • Support in determining high-level financial goals including pre-season financial plans, in-season projections, open-to-buy management and new store budgets
    • Prepare and maintain department/category merchandise MIS analytics based on actual sales, sales forecasts, company order parameters, inventory checks, forth coming events, replenishment needs etc
    • Assist in the creation of merchandise plans for the category based on insights gained from merchandise analytics, customer preference, historical trends and future outlook projected by the buyer
    • Assist in discussing, deciding and freezing the department/category merchandise strategic plans around the following factors
    o Financials
    ? Sales, Stock, OTB, Margins, Forward Cover etc
    o Store
    ? Subgroub level Sales, Order Quantity, Allocation, Replenishment etc
    o Assortment
    ? Style, Price, Brand, Supplier etc
    • Communicate the merchandise strategic plan to buying team for necessary execution
    • Ensure effective in season management across territories (stock balancing, markdown management, stock analysis, stock vs sales performance)
    • Help review the merchandise plans on a periodic basis to ensure profit is maximized and maintained to reach target levels
    • Ensure that the standards of Merchandise procedures and Methodologies are maintained and kept Uniform
    • Ensure optimum category inventory levels are maintained at Concept/Territory keeping in mind store requirements as well as working capital constraints
    Category Promotions
    • Provide inputs on the expected margins, possible price points and other parameters for promotions within the product category
    • Help analyse the effectiveness of the promotions in achieving the targeted levels of sales and margins
    • Help analyse the existing stock levels and liaise with the Buying/VM/Marketing team for timely roll out of promotional campaigns to maintain the territory / warehouse inventory holding norms as well to achieve targeted sales
    • Ensure performance is monitored against plan for the assigned category/department, regularly supported by exception reporting
    • Ensure effective in season management of the assigned category/department through regular analysis and action planning across concept and territory

    Job Details

    Date Posted: 2017-11-28 Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Job Role: Administration Company Industry: Retail/Wholesale Joining Date: 2017-12-15
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Entry Level Degree: Bachelor's degree

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