Consultant General Surgery - Zayed Military Hospital - Global Human Resources LLC

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  • Consultant General Surgery - Zayed Military Hospital - Global Human Resources LLC

    Consultant General Surgery - Zayed Military Hospital - Global Human Resources LLC

    Global Medical solutions is hiring for Consultant General Surgery for Zayed Military Hospital
    The general surgery consultant position involves thorough investigation, evaluation, diagnosis, consultation; pre-, intra-, and postoperative treatment in surgery to surgical patients. They provide consultation not only to their department but also other departments of surgery and order diagnostic studies and procedures necessary for surgical understanding. They perform surgeries based on their granted privileges and are responsible for in-patient care and out-patient clinic; they must be present and active pre-operatively and post-operatively for their patients. Consultants are involved in daily rounds and morning meetings and take calls as per departmental regulations. In addition, they have roles in writing patient reports and summaries, attending lectures; teaching and training junior staff and ordering, prescribing and referring.

    Job Details

    Date Posted: 2017-11-26 Job Location: Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Job Role: Medical, Healthcare, and Nursing Company Industry: Healthcare, Practitioner and Technician
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Management Gender: Male Degree: Master's degree

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