تحميل لعبة الاكشن Unaided1939 بكراك CODEX برابط مباشر و تورنت

Unaided 1939 2016
لعبة الاكشن Unaided1939 بكراك CODEX برابط مباشر و تورنت
معلومات عن اللعبة
في عام 1939 قبل بداية الحرب العالمية الثانية. وألمانيا لم تتعرض للهجوم بعد من قبل بولندا ولكن التوترات ارتفعت بالفعل في وسط أوروبا... أنت وحدك يجب عليك القيام بدورك في إضعاف النازيين وتوقيف هذه الحرب حتى قبل أن تبدأ
Unaided 1939 is a superb hardcore top down shooter game with some stealth elements. It is set in 1939 and it is the time just before the World War II. You will see that Germany has not yet attacked Poland but the tension is rising. In this game you have to play the character of Vita Banks who is a British Spy. She has infiltrated Nazi Germany an year before war. In this game you have to do some missions all alone and prevent the war before it happens. You must weaken the Nazis before they start attacking. It’s a challenging game and your skills and reflexes will be tested. As the bullets are deadly and you will be killed if you don’t move fast. In this game you can choose how to approach each mission
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Unaided 1939 2016
لعبة الاكشن Unaided1939 بكراك CODEX برابط مباشر و تورنت
معلومات عن اللعبة
Unaided 1939 is a superb hardcore top down shooter game with some stealth elements. It is set in 1939 and it is the time just before the World War II. You will see that Germany has not yet attacked Poland but the tension is rising. In this game you have to play the character of Vita Banks who is a British Spy. She has infiltrated Nazi Germany an year before war. In this game you have to do some missions all alone and prevent the war before it happens. You must weaken the Nazis before they start attacking. It’s a challenging game and your skills and reflexes will be tested. As the bullets are deadly and you will be killed if you don’t move fast. In this game you can choose how to approach each mission
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متطلبات تشغيل اللعبة
System Requirements of Unaided 1939
Before you start Unaided 1939 Download make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements
strong>Tested on Windows 7 64-Bit
Operating System: Windows 7/8/10
CPU: Intel Dual Core 2.0GHz or faster
RAM: 4GB of RAM is required
Setup Size: 2.6GB
Fix Size: 1.7GB
Hard Disk Space: 6GB of free space is required
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