أفضل برامج لنسخ الإسطوانات Nero 2016 Platinum 17.0.04500

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  • أفضل برامج لنسخ الإسطوانات Nero 2016 Platinum 17.0.04500

    Nero 2016 Platinum 17.0.04500

    Nero Burning ROM - advanced, reliable software designed for burning and copying a CD, DVD and Blu-ray. The annex contains additional features that are superior to simple functions of copying; for example using SecurDisc technology can provide the most reliable protection and readability of the data. This is the only program that requires you to save your files and provide access to them.

    Advanced, reliable and secure burn CDs - all ready for Windowsآ® 8
    Theres a reason that many people for many years trust your most important data to the application Nero Burning ROM. This expanded program for burning CDs enables you to record reliable and secure copies of a CD, DVD and Blu-ray â„¢ .With the new exciting features and support for Windowsآ® 8 now is no more reason to use any other software for recording.

    OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8





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بواسطة DeyaaShedeed
أنشئ بواسطة HaMooooDi, 03-21-2024, 08:12 PM
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بواسطة DeyaaShedeed