برنامج صانع بطاقات الاعمال AMS Software Business Card Maker 9.0 + Key تورنت
AMS Software Business Card Maker 9.0 + Key
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نبذة عن البرنامج
أفضل برنامج لصناعة بطاقة الأعمال يحل جميع الاحتياجات الخاصة بك عندما يتعلق الأمر ببطاقات العمل والشارات يحتوى على أكثر من 550 قالب مهنى يساعدك على صناعة بطاقة الأعمال في 5 دقائق، ودون الحاجة إلى استئجار مصمم ببساطة اختار القالب الذي تريد و أضف اسمك ومعلومات الاتصال وأطبعه على الورق إذا كنت من النوع المبتدىء يمكن للبرنامج أن يساعدك على تصميم بطاقة العمل الخاصة بك من الصفر
AMS Software Business Card Maker 9.0 + Key
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نبذة عن البرنامج
أفضل برنامج لصناعة بطاقة الأعمال يحل جميع الاحتياجات الخاصة بك عندما يتعلق الأمر ببطاقات العمل والشارات يحتوى على أكثر من 550 قالب مهنى يساعدك على صناعة بطاقة الأعمال في 5 دقائق، ودون الحاجة إلى استئجار مصمم ببساطة اختار القالب الذي تريد و أضف اسمك ومعلومات الاتصال وأطبعه على الورق إذا كنت من النوع المبتدىء يمكن للبرنامج أن يساعدك على تصميم بطاقة العمل الخاصة بك من الصفر
Business Card Maker solves all of your needs when it comes to business cards and badges. Over 550 professional templates can help you make a business card in 5 minutes, without having to hire a designer. Simply select a template you like, add your name and contact information and print it out on paper. If you are a creative type, the program can help you design your own business card from scratch
Features in Business Card Maker 9
Making different types of business cards
- Visiting cards with information about an employee and the company.
- Contact cards for entrepreneurs - perfect for freelancers, sole lawyers, psychologists, estate agents, etc.
- Company cards with corporate style design. Such cards can be great promotional material.
- Badges with a minimum of information in easy-to-read large print. It is possible to add a photo.
Design and editing features
- 150+ professionally designed themed templates for different types of business
- Make cards from scratch with dozens of layouts and color schemes
- Create perfect background: solid, gradient, textured, or with an image
- Add pictures, photos, and logos in various image formats.
- Align design elements easily with "snap to grid" feature.- Create and save customized templates from any designer template
Database capabilities
- Store contact data of companies, employees, and entrepreneurs
- Apply stored data to any card template
- Quick search of entries in the database
- Support for a large number of contact data fields
Print options
- Print on different paper sizes
- Support of 600 dpi print resolution and 1200 dpi resolution for export
- Save on printing costs thanks to smart print layout
- Export print layouts to image files with no quality loss
- Use bleed to make sure the cards look perfect after trimming
- Print a trial sample, with one card on a page
Design kit and resources
- Over a hundred images and clipart for different business areas
- A wide range of beautiful backrounds
- Import your own images to the program galleries
System Requirements: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Features in Business Card Maker 9
Making different types of business cards
- Visiting cards with information about an employee and the company.
- Contact cards for entrepreneurs - perfect for freelancers, sole lawyers, psychologists, estate agents, etc.
- Company cards with corporate style design. Such cards can be great promotional material.
- Badges with a minimum of information in easy-to-read large print. It is possible to add a photo.
Design and editing features
- 150+ professionally designed themed templates for different types of business
- Make cards from scratch with dozens of layouts and color schemes
- Create perfect background: solid, gradient, textured, or with an image
- Add pictures, photos, and logos in various image formats.
- Align design elements easily with "snap to grid" feature.- Create and save customized templates from any designer template
Database capabilities
- Store contact data of companies, employees, and entrepreneurs
- Apply stored data to any card template
- Quick search of entries in the database
- Support for a large number of contact data fields
Print options
- Print on different paper sizes
- Support of 600 dpi print resolution and 1200 dpi resolution for export
- Save on printing costs thanks to smart print layout
- Export print layouts to image files with no quality loss
- Use bleed to make sure the cards look perfect after trimming
- Print a trial sample, with one card on a page
Design kit and resources
- Over a hundred images and clipart for different business areas
- A wide range of beautiful backrounds
- Import your own images to the program galleries
System Requirements: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP